Below are a few tips on how to keep your laptop cool in the Cyprus Sun:
- Purchase a laptop cooling tray – these are available in local shops like Jumbo, Public’s and even from places like ebay or Amazon. Using a laptop cooling tray is a must. These trays normally have between 1 and 5 fans built into them to keep cool air circulating when using your laptop.
- Purchase a can of compressed air (sometimes known as an air duster) and once a month give all of the vents on your laptop a quick blast with the compressed air to blow out any dust or fluff. (NOTE: always ensure the laptop is tuned off before doing this)
- Give your laptop a tuneup up. If you cannot do this yourself get a computer professional out at least once per year to give your laptop a complete tuneup. A computer tuneup will reduce the amount of processes running in the background when your computer is running (plus a lot more things), which in turn reduces the load on the computers CPU, thus reducing the temperature of your laptop and keeping it cooler.
- Remove any unneeded add-ons from internet browsers. Internet browsers can really increase the load on your laptops CPU depending on the amount of add-ons and other plugins that are running when you start it up. Reducing these can help reduce the load on the CPU, thus helping the laptop to run a little cooler.
- If the laptop is still running hot after all of the above then you may need to ask a technician to replace the thermal paste in your laptop and check the fan for defects.